Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Abraham Maslow Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Abraham Maslow - Research Paper Example Though he focused on political and religious material, but worked thru issues about senses, imagination, knowledge, language, and passions. Other contemporary philosophers (Munger, 2003) like Rene Descartes, Baruch Spinoza, and G.W. Leibinz contributed in this progress by studying human mind’s relation to the body. Further development in psychology stressed interaction of physiology to psychology. Later development established psychology as science, and concluded that mental activity could be quantified thru research. Charles Darwin using the concept of principles of natural selection brought further development in psychology. Contribution of principles of the unconscious mind by Sigmund Freud laid the foundation of psychoanalytical model. Different fields of sciences, like education, anthropology, and medicine borrowed this model in their disciplines. In the 1920s and 30s American Psychologist John B. Watson (Munger, 2003) introduced a concept in psychology where he explained animal and human behavior thru environmental stimuli. According to his suggestion, psychology should involve solely with sensory stimuli and behavioral response. Others at the same time suggested that psychology should investigate human thought and behavior as a whole, instead of breaking it down into isolated instances of stimulus and response. The aforementioned discussion points out that psychology is a discipline that studies behavior of humans and other animals in their interaction with the surrounding world. Traditional concept of psychology is perceived thru restoring imbalanced mental activity to a normal condition. Traditional psychology did not pay much attention to the concept of human potential that conceals what humans can become. In other words, traditional psychology paid remarkably little attention to the psychological development of human, how to generalize it, and what mechanisms controls it. In the 1950s and 60s Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers developed a new conc ept of psychology (Boeree) that considered the psychological growth of people who are properly adjusted. This method is named as Humanistic Psychology, which asserts people make rational, conscious decisions regarding their lives and suggests that individuals tend to reach toward their greatest potential only after solving issues related to specific needs. Thus, this theory incorporates the possibility of human actualization into its practice. The aim of this work is to examine the life of Abraham Maslow, his concept of the model of human needs, its interpretation, analysis, and application. Abraham Maslow: Highlights from Biography Abraham Maslow, a son of Jewish Immigrant from Russia was born on April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York and died in California on June 8, 1970 (â€Å"Abraham Maslow†). He passed a lonely childhood in massive studies. He graduated from a prestigious boys school in Brooklyn and continued his education at the College of the City of New York. Later he e nded up at University of Wisconsin and earned;

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