Thursday, September 19, 2019

Traumatic Brain Injury Essay -- Health, Diseases

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major health problem in industrialized societies. Associations between TBI and neuropsychiatric disorders have been recognized for many years. Impulsive aggression is one of the most socially and vocationally disruptive consequences of these neuropsychiatric disorders (Tateno, 2003). Aggressions can be broadly divided in to two types: Reactive/ Impulsive aggression (RA) refers to aggression that is impulsive, emotionally charged, affective and uncontrolled. It has its theoretical roots in the frustration-tolerance theory. It is most often observed in response to a perceived threatening stimulus and is frequently accompanied by negative affect, facial expressions described as hostile, temper tantrums, anger and a reported feeling of loss of self-control has been strongly associated with a range of adolescent physical and social factors such as peer rejection and lower social orientation , social skills problems starting fights, getting angry and physical abuse . On the other hand, Proactive aggression (PA) is pre-meditated, controlled or has the specific intent of harming another. While PA can have the same form as RA (i.e. overt physical aggression), its primary function is to dominate, steal, tease or coerce others. This notion of intentionality in is derived f rom social learning theory and is argued to be motivated by a desire for interpersonal dominance or an expectation that aggression is a suitable means of achieving some desired reward such as money or toys. It has been associated with a range of deviant adolescent behaviours such as criminality, bullying, delinquency, delinquency-related violence and externalizing problems later in life and affiliation with delinquent peers (Dooley et... ... to conclude that, impulsive aggression after TBI is not a one-dimensional concept. Instead aggression can take several forms and challenges clinicians to consider the needs of patients from a more multidimensional perspective. Aggression following TBI is associated with multiple neurobiological and psychosocial and neuropsychological factors, including major depression, substance abuse, and impaired social function as well as the presence of brain injury involving the frontal lobe. The neurobiological organic and chemical complications caused by brain injury results in the neuropsychological mechanisms in the brain which results in dysfunction of different parts of the brain in controlling the overall emotional reactivity of an individual. This condition is reinforced by different pre-existing and co-existing behavioural and social conditions of the individual. Traumatic Brain Injury Essay -- Health, Diseases Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major health problem in industrialized societies. Associations between TBI and neuropsychiatric disorders have been recognized for many years. Impulsive aggression is one of the most socially and vocationally disruptive consequences of these neuropsychiatric disorders (Tateno, 2003). Aggressions can be broadly divided in to two types: Reactive/ Impulsive aggression (RA) refers to aggression that is impulsive, emotionally charged, affective and uncontrolled. It has its theoretical roots in the frustration-tolerance theory. It is most often observed in response to a perceived threatening stimulus and is frequently accompanied by negative affect, facial expressions described as hostile, temper tantrums, anger and a reported feeling of loss of self-control has been strongly associated with a range of adolescent physical and social factors such as peer rejection and lower social orientation , social skills problems starting fights, getting angry and physical abuse . On the other hand, Proactive aggression (PA) is pre-meditated, controlled or has the specific intent of harming another. While PA can have the same form as RA (i.e. overt physical aggression), its primary function is to dominate, steal, tease or coerce others. This notion of intentionality in is derived f rom social learning theory and is argued to be motivated by a desire for interpersonal dominance or an expectation that aggression is a suitable means of achieving some desired reward such as money or toys. It has been associated with a range of deviant adolescent behaviours such as criminality, bullying, delinquency, delinquency-related violence and externalizing problems later in life and affiliation with delinquent peers (Dooley et... ... to conclude that, impulsive aggression after TBI is not a one-dimensional concept. Instead aggression can take several forms and challenges clinicians to consider the needs of patients from a more multidimensional perspective. Aggression following TBI is associated with multiple neurobiological and psychosocial and neuropsychological factors, including major depression, substance abuse, and impaired social function as well as the presence of brain injury involving the frontal lobe. The neurobiological organic and chemical complications caused by brain injury results in the neuropsychological mechanisms in the brain which results in dysfunction of different parts of the brain in controlling the overall emotional reactivity of an individual. This condition is reinforced by different pre-existing and co-existing behavioural and social conditions of the individual.

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