Monday, October 28, 2019

Sufism is the heart of Islam Essay Example for Free

Sufism is the heart of Islam Essay Sufism which is seen as the heart of Islam is a concept which is highly regarded in the Islam religion because of the role it plays in the religion. Studies show that Sufis are men who practice the highest morality and are not led by worldly or their own selfish desires 1. It can be argued that, Sufism is the heart of Islam and it cannot be separated from the Islam religion. This paper is written to critically analyze the fact that Sufism is the heart of Islam. This study found out that there are varied studies which exist touching on the concept of Sufism. Understanding the concepts of Sufism is a core ingredient to understanding the concept of Islam religion. For example, Sufism is all about personal and spiritual growth of Sufis. Studies show that, religion to the men of Sufis is important as long as it does not stand in the way of spiritual growth and progress 1. In other words, religion is there to be analyzed and reasoned so that a follower can derive meaning from the teachings of the religion. Other studies show that, Sufism emphasizes more on love for all human beings and that means that no one should hurt the feelings of other people. When Sufis learn to love each other and treat them equally then they eventually achieve higher levels of morality which is measured by ones behavior and decision making process. God in religion is seen as a God of love and to be actualization with His teaching there is need to practice love actions. The concept of Sufism started with the early leaders of Islam like the Shia Imaams and their followers who used to follow highly spiritually life’s1. Sufism was the commemoration of a kind of divine wisdom from the Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon Him) and Imams. Early leaders who started the principles of Sufism wanted to achieve higher levels of morality through the use of supplications, teachings and writings. At the time those who led spiritual life did so with so much piety. Sufism is a principle which is made through finding meaning of religion through unveiling the truth through intellectual reasoning. This study found out that the development of piety started among spirituality amongst early Muslims because of tyranny of Islam leaders who purportedly seized the helm of empire after the death of Iman Ali in 40 Hijra 1. This study also found out that critics have a hard time conceptualizing Sufi as an integral part of Islam since they don’t see its evolution from consciousness from the Quaran of Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) teachings 1. From an analysis of how Sufism started its apparent that Muslims who wanted higher levels of morality adopted the concept for their own spiritual benefits and actualizations. Other studies show that Sufism is as a result of mysticism of Jews and Christians at earlier times hence their refusal to adopt Sufism as a major component of Islam1. However studies, critics of Sufism have no bases since Sufism is based on mysticism of the Islam religion. In other words, Sufism is a core ingredient of Islamic faith and one has to work hard to acquire higher levels of Sufism. Sufism is based in finding direction in the Islam faith which also preaches finding order in the human society and within the human soul 1. God finds His relationship with men through religion and love which makes it possible for man to be able to come together to God and eventually return to him at the end in paradise. Quran states that, â€Å"Lo! We are Allahs and Lo! To Him we return. † 1 The principles of Islam describe how a man is supposed to behave in order to be able to have unity with Allah. Such is the part of gnosis which offers direction to the life of an Islam also known as the spiritual journey of Islam. To be able to comprehend and follow the steps of Islamic principles, Muslims have to use qualified teachers in Islam to give them the necessary direction in their faith. The Islam religion believes that Allah is the only supreme being who should be acknowledged and acknowledging any other being beside him is wrong 1. Consequently, in being in unity with Allah, there is need for Muslims to be able to ape or follow His example and the ways He has set for humanity. That can only be followed if one has a purified heart and at the same time is willing to work hard to achieve higher levels of morality 1. With that in mind, it is important to note that following and being in adherence with the principles of Islam calls for discipline and self sacrifice. In order to appease Allah, there is need for Muslims to praise and pray to Him both in the morning and the evening, sell their merchandise to help the poor to mention a few2. At the end of it all faithful Muslims will be paid by God according to what they did since they have been able to find their self. A Muslim will only be able to achieve higher levels of morality if they find their ‘self’ in the Islam faith. Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) once said that one who has known his self has already Known Allah2. This is to say that there is significant peace that comes with finding direction in the Islam faith. On the other hand, it is through self discovery that Muslims are able to have peace and contention with themselves if they know that they are following in the way of morality. Other studies show that to be a successful Sufi, one has to follow the journey of self-realization 2. The Islam religion is based on strict discipline and procedures for example praying 5 times in a day. It is only through keeping and following the laid procedures that Muslims are able to live in light. This paper asserts that, Sufism plays an integral role in the life of Muslims since the principle cannot be separated from the life of Islam. There are many misconceptions surrounding the principles of Sufism but it is important to understand that the principle of Sufism is not any different from the concept of Islam. Studies show that Sufism is a major Islamic mysticism revolving around the journey of self, love and God 2. The journey of Sufism emphasizes on ones inner struggles and more especially the conduct of human beings. The Quaran states that one should â€Å"seek among that which God has bestowed upon you the hereafter. But don’t forget the portion of this world either (28:77). 2 With the above in mind, when people become too inclined towards secularization or spiritualism they may miss out on some important principles vital to Islam principles. Studies show that while Islam is submission, Sufism is the principle of Islam in that Muslims have to submit to mystical principles 2.

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