Sunday, November 3, 2019

Choose 3 non-profit political organizations. Discuss how these 3 Essay

Choose 3 non-profit political organizations. Discuss how these 3 groups have been negatively affected by the large amounts of mo - Essay Example Large sums of money spent by different presidential candidates have a significant impact on American social-political ecosystem. More so, the lucrative expenditure has a significant impact on non-profit political organizations. This essay focuses on the impact of lucrative election on non-profit political organizations within the country. American Civil Liberties Union, League of Women Voters and People for the American Way are the main political organizations in the country. League of Women Voters was founded in 1920 in Illinois. The league focused on women voting rights, which had not been included in the country’s constitution. The group is a non-partisan political organization and neither supports nor opposes government official at either level of the government. However, the organization takes stand on various controversial issues particularly those that affect women’s rights during an election. On the other hand, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a non-prof it organization whose mission is to defend individual rights and liberties as stipulated in the country’s constitution (Mooney). ACLU works through litigation, lobbying and civic education. It was established in 1920 as a non-partisan political wing to defend anti-war protestors. ... PFAW has its headquarters in Washington and it monitors Right Wing activities through political lobbying and volunteer mobilization. The three groups have been most vibrant during a presidential election season. Non-profit political organizations have a mission to educate voters and to ensure that elections are conducted on a neutral environment. Thus, the different political organization focuses on different needs of the society. League of women voters (LWV) focuses on voter’s education through seminar and the media. In past elections, LWV has been active in encouraging registration among women voters. The league has also a major sponsor of presidential debates. However, its board of trustees voted unanimously for the league to pull out of the presidential debate following the 1988 sponsorship (Stevens 161). Other activities of the group during previous presidential elections include promotion of human rights. Fundamentally, the groups educate American voters on their rights and offer them an opportunity to make independent decision. In recent presidential elections, political aspirants and their supporters have been spending large sums of money to boost their chances of winning the elections. Due to the large sums of money spent by PACs, the groups have lost their reputation and influence among American voters. It is obvious that the groups have become less active in the recent past as the super PACs continuously take their position in the country’s politics. The PACs spend their monies on advertisements meant to support or defend the policies of their selected presidential aspirants. On the other hand, the ads can

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